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Atomic Energy And Nuclear Power Plants

What is nuclear energy ?

Term nuclear is referred to the nucleus, which is the central part of an atom surrounded by electrons contain most of its mass. According to the Einstein formula "E = MC2" if the nucleus of an atom is split-ed in two then a certain amount of that atoms mass is converted into energy.


1895 Roentgen discovers X-rays ,1898 The Curies identify 2 radioactive nuclides, coin term "radioactive“ 1899 Rutherford distinguishes alpha and beta radiation and discovers half-life, 1909 Rutherford discovers that most mass is concentrated in a small nucleus.1920 Rutherford theorizes a "neutron“ .1935 Chadwick identifies neutrons .1938 Hann and Strassman split uranium atoms with neutrons, Meitner and Frisch explain what's happening and name it "fission“ 1939 Fermi and Szilard measure neutron multiplication, conclude that a nuclear chain reaction is possible .1939 Szilard, Wigner, and Teller convince Einstein to sign a letter warning Roosevelt of possibility of nuclear weapons .1939 Roosevelt authorizes creation of Advisory Committee on Uranium, begins US nuclear bomb effort (though not vigorously) .1896 Becquerel discovers rays emitted spontaneously from uranium salts .1942 Fermi achieves first nuclear chain reaction in a squash court at U. of Chicago. Manhattan project in full swing. Secret cities are built in Oak Ridge TN (to enrich uranium), Hanford WA (to produce plutonium), and Los Alamos NM (to design and assemble bomb) July. 1945 The world's first nuclear weapon test, the Trinity shot, is successful .Aug 6 & 9, 1945 Atomic bombs Little Boy and Fat Man dropped on Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Up to 240,000 people died.

What is Uranium and its types 

Uranium is a metal and it is a constituent of the most rock and sea,it is a common element found in the crust of the earth like "zinc" and "tin".

  1. Natural Uranium 
  2. Reactor Grade Uranium 
  3. Enriched Uranium
Natural Uranium is the one containing same isotopic ration as found in nature and naturally it contains 0.7% of  Uranium-235 and 99.3% Uranium-238. As Uranium-235 is most important to set off the nuclear reaction which is not enough, and Uranium-238 cannot start the nuclear reaction which is 99.3% of total.

So Scientists have figured out the process to enriched the uranium and its Uranium-235 isotope is increased. This process of enrichment was invented while "Manhattan Project" during world war II.So that's how the natural uranium is modified and its other types are created which are called enriched Uranium. These are more powerful and used to make nuclear weapons and for the production of electricity.

Countries which have Nuclear Power Plants

Follow map shows the Top ten countries of the world largest nuclear weapons. According to that Russia is at number one and USA is at second having 8500 and 7700 total war heads respectively.

Price of Uranium 

The Following picture shows the price graph of the uranium for a year , according to that  32.75 $/lb(per pound) was the lowest rate and 44.00$/lb was the highest rate 

Limitations of Nuclear Power Plants

limitations to the nuclear power plants is its waste material , because there is no solution to dump the waste material till know so we have to look after this waste because it half life for millions of years and the actual life of a power plant is about 40 to 60 years. 
As described above that the Uranium produce heat which is used to make steam and you can estimate the temperature of the plant by noticing that the temperature of the water which is used as coolant to the reactor is at temperature of 370 degree centigrade. and same is the case with the waste material which is any how dumped under the large water pools (water is used to cool them down) and take care for years.
