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5 brilliant future technologies which will make life at best of it

In earlier days these technologies were just imagination for us  and viewed in science fiction movies, people somehow believe that one day these amazing technologies will come to existence but so earlier, it is the surprise. 1 :Screen-less Displays It is the projection of visual information taken through the deflection of light rays. The light is usually deflected through fog, mirrors or plastic films. Although the scientists are still researching to make air a medium to deflect the light. Screen-Less displays are further divided into categories like Visual Image , Ratena Displays , Synaptic Interface . 2 :Virtual Reality Virtual reality is an artificial environment which is created with software and the respective users accept it as a real environment. On a computer, virtual reality is mainly experienced by two human senses "sight and listening". The virtual reality can easily be explained by 3D-images than can be explored interactively at a person

Project in C/C++ : Password Protected Contact book

Features  Installation of the Application Password Protection Intelligent Searching  Add ,Remove Contact Description  It is a console based app the compiler used for the development is "Borland 5.02" this project  can be used as a semester project with any c/c++ course in schools/collages , it is best for learning and enhancing your skills in c++ .  This application is programmed in C++ using "filestream" and some other basic libraries. First the user is asked to allow the installation of the app , and while installing it ask user a six character password and ask user to login for the first time. And the user reach to the following screen Screen shot of App Now simply select the required option . Following is the download link , you can download the complete project folder including the Source Code if you have any problem with the project like compiling issues or any thing you do not understand in the source code  or you m

Vehicle Parking Management System in C++

this project is developed by Awais Azam Features Graphically display the parking locations(symbolically) Keep record of the arrival and departure of the vehicles with date-time specified  Resume the data from the storage  Can check history (arrival + departure) Automatically choose the parking location Alarm if any vehicle violate the parking order Description  This project is coded in C++ using codeblocks  compiler, it has almost 500 lines of code. easy for the beginners in the C++ language , almost each line is commented and explaining its purpose. As per the working of this app , for the first run it create some text files to keep the record of the vehicles ,  First screen show the menu from which user has to select an option as per his/her need   As the screen shows , above is the screen shot of the application, it is not a small project as it looks like it almost cover all the major topics of C++ (not OOP) you can also check my other project which is also

Your fingerprints are remotely stolen by Hackers from your Android phones

Researchers have found , how hackers attack your smartphones and steal your fingerprints secretly. At " Black Hat Conference " in Las Vegas by FireEye researchers have explained new ways of attack to extract the users fingerprints from andro id phones.  Android phones which have "fingerprint sensor" are in danger like Samsung , HTC , Huawei , all the latest having the fingerprint sensors . Four attacks outlined by the researchers, one in particular -- dubbed the "fingerprint sensor spying attack" can remotely harvest fingerprints in a large scale,   The Attacks which were declared on HTC and Samsung S5 has been allowed by the devices because the manufacturers did not lock the sensor efficiently  The sensor is actually protected by the "System Privileges " instead of root which makes it easy to attack  According to "ZDNet"    victims' fingerprint data directly fall into attacker's hand. For the rest of the victim

Edit your friends "Facebook Status" and take fake screen shots

In this article we will tell you how  you can change someone's profile status or any text you want to change.   you can edit your friends status and reshare and tag them to have fun and you can also use this with twiter   ,  Google + or any site you want For example you have friend on facebook and you want to change his/her given status  like  Her given status is " How am look in black dress lovely naa...! "  but you want to make some modification and take screen shot of it    so follow the steps  step 1 :  go to the status you want to change and write right click on status text (not the linked one) step 2 : and select the last option "inspect element"     step 3 :  a new window will open either on right or  bottom depending on your settings   like this      step 4 : select the " console" option from the menu and paste this code      javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode

Arduino Studio IDE launched

Open source IDE builds on Adobe’s Brackets Editor Arduino LLC has announced the launch of a new web-based integrated development environment (IDE) for its programmable microcontroller development boards. Based around Adobe’s Brackets Editor, the alpha release of the open source Arduino Studio supports Linux and other platforms as well as being available as a Brackets Extension to run with in a  browser on any device. Arduino Studio is described by the company as “a work in progress,” designed to be suitable for Arduino Studio IDE launched ARDUINO use as a stand-alone, cloud-based or on-board embedded IDE. As well as a new user interface, Arduino Studio includes code completion and an in line quick language reference system, both designed to speed up coding for experienced Arduino users and make the platform as accessible as possible. While Arduino Studio can be expected to  replace Arduino IDE in the future, no time scale has been provided for its full release. for d

5 latest gadgets that you must have

AWAIR   Do you know what the quality of the air in your home is? If not, Awair may be able to help. It measures and analyzes the temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds, and dust in your home’s air, then gives you recommendations on how you can improve conditions to deal with allergies, be more productive, sleep better, and so on. Even if Awair can’t solve every problem, it will give you the information you need to breathe easy. BREATHOMETER BREEZE Drunk driving killed more than 10,000 people in the United States in 2013. Don’t become a  statistic, and don’t let inconvenience keep you from knowing whether it’s safe to get behind  the wheel. The Breeze is a portable, wireless breathalyzer that links with your smartphone to  not only inform you of your current blood alcohol level, but also tell you when you’ll be safe to drive again. RANGE SMART COOKING THERMOMETER Simply trusting your eyes when you’re cooking can lead to culinary catastrophe