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5 brilliant future technologies which will make life at best of it

In earlier days these technologies were just imagination for us  and viewed in science fiction movies, people somehow believe that one day these amazing technologies will come to existence but so earlier, it is the surprise.

1 :Screen-less Displays

It is the projection of visual information taken through the deflection of light rays. The light is usually deflected through fog, mirrors or plastic films. Although the scientists are still researching to make air a medium to deflect the light. Screen-Less displays are further divided into categories like Visual Image,Ratena Displays , Synaptic Interface.

2 :Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is an artificial environment which is created with software and the respective users accept it as a real environment. On a computer, virtual reality is mainly experienced by two human senses "sight and listening".

The virtual reality can easily be explained by 3D-images than can be explored interactively at a personal computer, using mouse and keyboard so that the content of the image moves in some direction or zooms in or out. More sophisticated efforts involve such approaches as wrap-around display screens, actual rooms augmented with wearable computers that let you feel the display images. Virtual Reality further divided into 2 subcategories "Real environment simulation","Imagined environment development"

3 :Holographic Television

A hologram is basically a photographic recording of a light field , rather than of an image formed by a lens, and it is used to display a fully three-dimensional image of the holograph-ed subject, which is seen without the aid of some special glasses.
To create image for these special holographic tv's the team uses 16 regular cameras to focus on a single object. The images are then sent, via Ethernet, to a computer, which reconstructs them into a 3D holographic image. The computer sends this information to a 50Hz nanosecond pulsed laser, which shoots holographic pixels called hotels onto a plastic screen.

4 :Wireless Electricity 

(Wireless) Inductive Power Transfer or IPT involves the transmission of energy from a power source to an electrical load, without any connector, using air as a medium. The basis of a wireless power system involves essentially two coils – a transmitter and receiver coil. The transmitter coil is energized by alternating current to generate a magnetic field, which in turn induces a current in the receiver coil and then applied to the respective device.

5 :Hyper-Sonic Train

Chines university have build a train which could reach one thousand and eight hundred miles per hour , the technology behind it is a vacuum which is used to minimize the air resistance. Founder of Telsa motors reveled the hyper-loop in 2013 and saying that it will travel passengers from san Francisco to Los angles in only thirty minutes , although he says 

  • Hope fully it would never crash 
  • Immune to weather 
  • twice faster than an air plane 
  • Four times faster than a bullet train 
  • And it will completely run on solar power


  1. it was very informative and intersting , keep it up thanks


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