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Vehicle Parking Management System in C++

this project is developed by Awais Azam


  1. Graphically display the parking locations(symbolically)
  2. Keep record of the arrival and departure of the vehicles with date-time specified 
  3. Resume the data from the storage 
  4. Can check history (arrival + departure)
  5. Automatically choose the parking location
  6. Alarm if any vehicle violate the parking order
This project is coded in C++ using codeblocks compiler, it has almost 500 lines of code. easy for the beginners in the C++ language , almost each line is commented and explaining its purpose.
As per the working of this app , for the first run it create some text files to keep the record of the vehicles , 
First screen show the menu from which user has to select an option as per his/her need 
 As the screen shows , above is the screen shot of the application, it is not a small project as it looks like it almost cover all the major topics of C++ (not OOP)
you can also check my other project which is also in C++ Password Protected Contact Book

please comment if you like my work or if their any problem in the application 
 click on download......(Exe file + Source code)


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