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Human v/s Robots


This is where humans really trump computers. Humans can map out a series of sequences to lead us to a goal. Involving millions of neurons interacting in yet fully understood ways, computers lack this ability for now.


Computers are extremely linear when it comes to thinking. Because of this – as well as their lack of emotional responses – they can work logically through commands to reach the best possible solution. 


There’s no denying it, computers are geniuses when it comes to doing sums. Just ask your calculator. Again, because base mathematics is the input of data and the extraction of a single solution, a simple programme can work through calculations extremely quickly.


Computers are able to operate at much faster speeds because they are stripped-down basic brains. Just think, even though a Land Rover may have more horsepower than a Ferrari, the latter is faster because it has less weight to hold it back. Similarly, when put to a task, a computer is able to work through a problem quicker, despite a human brain having more processing power.

Speech recognition

Computers are catching up, but humans still have the edge. Most humans can hear a sentence and extract meaning from it, based on experience and the situation. Few robots are able to do this, though natural language processing, like the iPhone’s Siri technology, is constantly improving


Most computers are programmed in a certain way and are only able to react to what they have been taught. Humans have the ability to think creatively about a subject, due to our evolved neocortex, and come up with radical, outside-the-box solutions. Until roboticists are able to replicate the neural connections, we will stay ahead of robots when reacting to novel situations.

Future Artificial Intelligence Applications 

self driven car

Self-driving cars

As yet only allowed to be driven in California
and currently undergoing testing, this Google
driver-less car is an exciting pioneer that could
herald a new era of transport, using advanced
diagnostic tools to look out for hazards.

Robot medics

Machines could keep a watchful eye and run
analysis on vulnerable patients faster and with
Robot medics
greater accuracy. A trial is currently running at
the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in
New York, advising on lung cancer treatment.

Space vehicles

Work is progressing on space vehicles with
‘human-like brains’ that can plot their own route
on treacherous planets like Mars by constantly
analysing the terrain and making creative
decisions, running off GPUs rather than CPUs


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